15.11.2011 Der Entwurf zum "Stop Online Piracy Act" räumt Privatfirmen die Möglichkeit ein, Anzeigen wegen Urheberrechtsverletzungen zu verschicken. Das Justizministerium kann Provider dazu auffordern, Websites zu blockieren.

Internews Network – Flickr

5.5.2011 Die chinesische Regierung will das Internet effizienter kontrollieren und regulieren. Dafür soll die nun neu eingerichtete Behörde Internet Information Office sorgen, heißt es in einer von der Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua verbreiteten Mitteilung des Staatsrats.

Ursula von der Leyen – Wikipedia

Revolution 2.0: Wie die Netzwerkkultur die Gesellschaft verändert – Lpr Forum Medienzukunft

Julian Assange Wikileaks named Man of the Year by Le Monde

Portait painted of Julian Assange wikileaks at the Abode of Chaos by thierry Ehrmann Wall-paint by Cart'1 @ the Abode of Chaos (Creative Commons Paternity) original version free on Flickr 2592 x 3872 Tribute #1 to Julian Assange Tribute #2 to Julian Assange For those who have just arrived on Planet Earth, let me remind you that what we are experiencing since last Sunday evening is the “Pearl Harbor of Global Democracy” according to Hilary Clinton and the “9/11 of American Diplomacy” according to Barak Obama and his advisors. After 400,000 secret documents on the operating methods of the US army in Iraq, Assange has broken the sound barrier since Sunday with 250,000 diplomatic cables that concern 179 countries! Le Monde, Der Spiegel, El País, the Guardian and the New York Times… according to the latter, more than 1,200 journalists are picking their way through roughly half a billion words of extremely contemporary cables, the most recent of which dates from March 2010. For historians who normally have to wait 50 years before getting access to such material, this is a dream come true. In this case the diplomatic cables are not much older than 7 months. Their scope is colossal. Hence the US State Department’s cry of “murder”…