Flickr Feed aus der Galerie "Coleoptera Family Curculionidae" von Udo Schmidt

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Inhalte aus Coleoptera Family Curculionidae

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Orchestes fagi (Linnaeus, 1758) Syn.: Rhynchaenus fagi (Linnaeus, 1758)

Family: Curculionidae
Size: 2.8 mm (2.4 to 2.8 mm)
Origin: Europe without the North
Biology: Lives on beeches
Location: Germany, Bavaria, Schwaben, Heroldingen
leg. H.Muehle, 1.VIII.2013; det. I.Wolf, 2013
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2024

Author: urjsa
Posted: 10.3.2024

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Orchestes testaceus (Mueller, 1776) Syn.: Rhynchaenus testaceus (Mueller, 1776)

Family: Curculionidae
Size: 3.5 mm (2.7 to 3.5 mm)
Origin: Europe, North America
Biology: Lives on alder trees
Location: Switzerland, Graubuenden, Schluein, Rhine Valley
leg.det.U.Schmidt, 28.VI.2004
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2024

Author: urjsa
Posted: 8.3.2024

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Stereonychus fraxini (Geer, 1775)

Family: Curculionidae
Size: 3.5 mm (3.0 to 3.5 mm)
Origin: Europe without the far north, North Africa
Biology: Lives on ash trees
Location: Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuehlingen
leg.det. H.Muehle, 26.V.2016
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2024

Author: urjsa
Posted: 6.3.2024

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Pissodes piceae (Illiger, 1807)

Family: Curculionidae
Size: 8.2 mm (7.0 to 10.0 mm)
Origin: From the Caucasus through Central and Southern Europe to Spain
Biology: Development in spruces
Location: Germany, Upper Bavaria, Toelz, Obermuehltal, 690 m
leg.det. H.Muehle, 7.V.2016
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2024

Author: urjsa
Posted: 5.3.2024

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Lixus pulverulentus (Scopoli, 1763)

Syn.: Lixus angustatus (Fabricius, 1775
Syn.: Lixus algirus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Family: Curculionidae
Size: 10.8 mm
Distribution: Asia Minor, Middle East, North Africa, in parts of Europe
Biology: Develops mainly in the stems of Cirsium and Malva sylvestris, harmful to Vicia faba
Location: Jordan, Jerash
leg. P.Querner, 10.IV.2000; det. Weizbauer
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2022

Author: urjsa
Posted: 7.11.2022

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Larinus syriacus Gyllenhal, 1835

Family: Curculionidae
Size: 19.2 mm
Distribution: Southeastern Europe, Western Asia
Biology: Development in Carthamus species, pest of Carthamus tinctorius
Location: Jordan, Jerash
leg. P.Querner, 11.IV.2000; det. Weizbauer
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2022

Author: urjsa
Posted: 6.11.2022

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Ceutorhynchus obstrictus (Marsham, 1802)

Family: Curculionidae
Size: 2.8 mm (2.2 to 3.3 mm)
Origin: Western Asia, Europe, introduced to North America
Biology: Development in the pods of Cruciferae, pest of oilseed rape
Location: Germany, Bavaria, Upper Franconia, Selbitz, Dietscha
leg.det. U.Schmidt, 26.VII.2003
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2022

Author: urjsa
Posted: 5.5.2022

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Coptocephala floralis (Olivier, 1791) Female

Family: Chrysomelidae
Size: 5.3 mm (4.5 to 7.0 mm)
Distribution: Western Mediterranean
Location: France, Var Salines d`Hyeres
leg. H.J.Mager, 2.VIII.1976; det. Steinhausen
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2020

Author: urjsa
Posted: 8.8.2020

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Coptocephala floralis (Olivier, 1791) Male

Family: Chrysomelidae
Size: 6.0 mm (4.5 to 7.0 mm)
Distribution: Western Mediterranean
Location: France, Var Salines d`Hyeres
leg. H.J.Mager, 2.VIII.1976; det. Steinhausen
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2020

Author: urjsa
Posted: 8.8.2020

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Otiorhynchus scaber (Linné, 1758)

Family: Curculionidae
Size: 5.4 mm (4.0 to 6.0 mm)
Origin: North Europe, Central Europe
Biology: Lives especially in mountainous areas on conifers
Location: Germany, Bavaria, Upper Franconia, Selbitz, Foehrigbach valley
leg.det. U.Schmidt, 14.V.2004
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2017

Author: urjsa
Posted: 11.8.2017

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Parethelcus pollinarius (Forster, 1771)

Family: Curculionidae
Size: 3.6 mm (3.0 to 4.0 mm)
Origin: North Africa, Europe
Biology: Lives on Urtica dioica
Location: Germany, Saxony, Plauen, Pirk
leg.det. U.Schmidt, 18.VII.2003
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2016

Author: urjsa
Posted: 12.8.2016

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Caulotrupis aeneopiceus (Boheman 1845) Syn.: Caulotrupodes aeneopiceus Boheman, 1845; Pseudophloeophagus aeneopiceus (Boheman, 1845)

Family: Curculionidae
Size: 4.0 mm (2.9 to 4.0 mm)
Distribution: Europe, particularly litoral
Biology: Developing in rotten wood of deciduous trees
Location: England, Looe
leg.det. P.Harwood, IX.1922
Coll. Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2016

Author: urjsa
Posted: 11.2.2016

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Bradybatus fallax Gerstaecker, 1860

Family: Curculionidae
Size: 3.6 mm (3.2 to 3.8 mm)
Distribution: West Europe to East Europe
Biology: Lives on Acer platanoides and pseudoplatanus
Location: England, Haringey, Pinkham Way site
leg.det. M.G.Telfer, V.2013
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2015

Author: urjsa
Posted: 18.10.2015

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Pachyrrhynchus erichsoni Waterhouse, 1841

Family: Curculionidae
Size: 12.3 mm
Distribution: Philippines
Location: Philippines, Leyte, Hilusig, Mt. Balocaue, 750 m
leg. D.Mohagan, 16.VIII.2012; det. U.Schmidt, 2015
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2015

Author: urjsa
Posted: 17.10.2015

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Metapocyrtus elegans Waterhouse, 1842

Family: Curculionidae
Size: 15.7 mm
Distribution: Philippines
Location: Philippines, Leyte, Hilusig, Mt. Balocaue, 750 m
leg. D.Mohagan, 16.VIII.2012; det. U.Schmidt, 2015
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2015

Author: urjsa
Posted: 14.10.2015

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Pachyrrhynchus speciosus Waterhouse, 1841

Family: Curculionidae
Size: 12.0 mm
Distribution: Philippines
Location: Philippines, Leyte, Mt. Balocaue, 750 m
leg. D.Mohagan, 16.VIII.2012; det. U.Schmidt, 2015
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2015

Author: urjsa
Posted: 10.10.2015

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Furcipus rectirostris (Linné, 1758)

Family: Curculionidae
Size: 4,5 mm (3,7 to 4,5 mm)
Distribution: Europe, North Asia
Ecology: development in the fruits of Prunus species
Location: Italy, South Tyrol, Welschnofen, 1100 m
leg.det. U.Schmidt, 3.IX.1980
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2015

Author: urjsa
Posted: 15.7.2015

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Bothynoderes affinis (Schrank, 1781) Syn.: Chromoderus affinis (Schrank, 1781)

Family: Curculionidae
Size: 9.1 mm (6.0 to 11.0 mm)
Distribution: Siberia, Asia Minor, Europe
Biology: Lives on Salsolaceen (Chenopodium, Atriplex)
Location: Bulgaria, Varna Prov., Nr. Vranina
leg.det. M.G.Morris, 18.VI.2006
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2015

Author: urjsa
Posted: 30.5.2015

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Procas granulicollis Walton 1848

Family: Curculionidae
Size: 4.8 mm
Distribution: England, Irland, North Spain
Biology: Lives on Ceratocapnos claviculata
Location: England, Wales, Caerns, Aber Coeddyd
leg.det. M.G.Morris, 8.VI.1993
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2015

Author: urjsa
Posted: 29.5.2015

urjsa hat ein Foto gepostet:

Peritelus sphaeroides Germar 1824

Family: Curculionidae
Size: 6.2 mm (5.0 to 8.0 mm)
Distribution: South Europe, Central Europe
Biology: Lives polyphag on bushes
Location: France, Loiret, Beaugency
leg.det. M.I.Russel, 9.-10.VI.1977
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2015

Author: urjsa
Posted: 27.5.2015

… unzählige weitere Arten bei Udo Schmidt auf Flickr und auf Kaefer der Welt – Beetles of the World

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flickingerbrad – Flickr

Comparative thickness of human hair

Credit: Anne Weston, LRI, CRUK. Wellcome image shows the difference in thickness of human hair between different ethnic groups. The strand of hair on the left is that of a Caucasian blonde female. The hair on the right is from an Asian male. Hair is normally comprised of three layers, the inner medulla, the cortex and the cuticle. The cuticle is the outermost layer and is comprised of numberous overlapping cells or scales. The cortex makes up the majority of the hair thickness. Interestingly, the inner medulla is not present in blond hair.Scanning electron micrograph

wellcome images – Flickr

wellcome images – Flickr

BioDivLibrary – Flickr

kiwizone – Flickr

Bild: kiwizone

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06.06.2012 Diese Erkenntnis könnte die Medizin verändern – und die Gesellschaft: Erstmals haben Forscher das Genom eines Embryos aus dem Blut der Mutter und dem Speichel des Vaters entschlüsselt, ohne Eingriffe in den Mutterleib. Tests auf Erbkrankheiten werden radikal vereinfacht. Doch das Verfahren wirft ethische Fragen auf.

Carl Zeiss Microscopy – Flickr