06.06.2012 Diese Erkenntnis könnte die Medizin verändern – und die Gesellschaft: Erstmals haben Forscher das Genom eines Embryos aus dem Blut der Mutter und dem Speichel des Vaters entschlüsselt, ohne Eingriffe in den Mutterleib. Tests auf Erbkrankheiten werden radikal vereinfacht. Doch das Verfahren wirft ethische Fragen auf.

My Chromosomes

My Chromosomes And segments that match those from various geographies… Very interesting that I show more Finnish ancestry than Estonian, with both countries visible to each other across the Baltic Sea and with languages as similar as Spanish and Portugese. (Perhaps I should not be surprised that Estonia keeps winning the Finnish Wife Carry competitions, since "deep within Finnish tradition... It was apparently common practice for men to steal women from local villages." BBC =) From a earlier analysis of just my Y-chromosome (which can only be passed down from a father to a son, and thus can be analyzed without any mixing over the generations), I learned a phenomenal amount about my distant history, back from the second exodus from Africa 50,000 years ago, through Samoyed breeding, to the modern day region of Estonia. (In both cases, they just had my DNA and no other information about me.) All of my known relatives are Estonian. 23andMe looks for a larger number of point mutations (SNPs for short) across all of my chromosomes and mitochondrial DNA (which passes down exclusively through the maternal line). Here is what they found on the paternal line: Haplogroup: N1c1, a subgroup of N1 Highlight: N1c spread from Central Asia to Europe at the end of the Ice Age. Populations: Saami, Indigenous Siberians, Finns, Estonians...
Bild: jurvetson

Animiertes Strukturmodell einer DNA-Helix in B-Konformation.

Die Stickstoff (blau) enthaltenden Nukleinbasen liegen waagrecht zwischen zwei Rückgratsträngen, welche sehr reich an Sauerstoff (rot) sind. Kohlenstoffatome sind grün dargestellt. Das Modell dreht sich rechts herum; kräftige Farben sind weiter vorne, blasse Farben weiter hinten.
Bild: Zephyris

Max Planck Gesellschaft – Vom Rinderpansen zum Magengeschwür

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung Max-Planck-Gesellschaft