26 December 2013 – NSA whistleblower omitted from new exhibition on cyber security as museum says it does not want to be seen to back his actions.
MPs have accused Bletchley Park, the wartime predecessor of GCHQ, of trying to airbrush history after it said it would ignore the whistleblower Edward Snowden’s revelations about mass surveillance by the security services in its museum’s new gallery on cyber security.

Revolutionary User Interfaces

The human computer interface helps to define computing at any one time. As computers have become more mainstream the interfaces have become more intimate. This is the journey of computer technology and how it has come to touch all of our lives.
Grafik Arjuna Soriano



No laws define the limits of the N.S.A.’s power. No Congressional committee subjects the agency’s budget to a systematic, informed and skeptical review. With unknown billions of Federal dollars, the agency purchases the most sophisticated communications and computer equipment in the world. But truly to comprehend the growing reach of this formidable organization, it is necessary to recall once again how the computers that power the N.S.A. are also gradually changing lives of Americans – the way they bank, obtain benefits from the Government and communicate with family and friends. Every day, in almost every area of culture and commerce, systems and procedures are being adopted by private companies and organizations as well as by the nation’s security leaders that make it easier for the N.S.A. to dominate American society should it ever decide such action is necessary.

Quelle: THE SILENT POWER OF THE N.S.A. – NYTimes.com

Bletchley Park UK

Bletchley Park UK Where the code breaking took place during the war. There are examples of Enigma and other machines in the various huts. A worthwhile visit.

01.01.2013 – Wie sähe Google auf einer Lochkartenmaschine aus? Wie hörte sich 1993 ein Rechnerneustart an? Waren die alten Handheld-Videospiele wirklich toll, oder einfach schrecklich? Im Internet geben Retro-Simulatoren Antworten – ein multimedialer Streifzug durch die Vergangenheit.

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