Look and Feel

Bild: Verkleinertes Original mit freundlicher Genehmigung Ritsch & Renn
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Die unberechtigte Nutzung ist nicht gestattet.
Bordcomputer Eingabe

Bild: Verkleinertes Original mit freundlicher Genehmigung Ritsch & Renn
Die unberechtigte Nutzung ist nicht gestattet.
Die unberechtigte Nutzung ist nicht gestattet.
18.01.2013 – Ein paar Mal auf die eigene Handfläche tippen, schon ruft der Computer einen Kontakt an: Was bisher nur in Science-Fiction-Filmen funktioniert, könnte Wirklichkeit werden. Zumindest hat Google ein entsprechendes Patent beantragt.
The parts inside an optical computer mouse

Bild: how computer mice work
IntelFreePress – Flickr
- Fireball
- Fireball (2)
- Fireball (3)
- Mobile Device Sensors
- Reconfigurable Sensing Platform
Bild: IntelFreePress
IntelFreePress – Flickr
- Bringing Hand Gesture Control to Ultrabooks
- Ultrabook with Gesture Recognition Camera
- Hand Gesture Controls on an Ultrabook
Bild: IntelFreePress
studio 2008

here's the latest incarnation of my home studio. sonar 7 running on a quad-core intel box with a pulsar scope ii card.. with a whole ton of keyboards (the sh-101 is still my favorite, of course) and my basses. i'm still trying to figure out how to get the akai working with sonar, but i'm sure it won't take too much longer (i hope)
Bild: 'Cowboy' Ben Alman
Roland Classic digital harpsichord C-30

You can see the (slightly cheesy, but still quite lovely) cherubim inside the lid of the digital harpsichord. Here, Elisabeth plays from the Anna Magdalena Bach Notebook. :)
Bild: Synthesizers
Roland Jupiter-8 Synth, 1983

This metal-clad eight-voice monstrosity was extremely powerful for its time, but it was an unreliable beast, crashing spontaneously, one time in the middle of a gig. I shipped it to Roland in California twice for repairs, but the crashes continued.
I paid $4600 for it back around 1981, I think.
Bild: euthman
My iPad & Alesis Q49 USB synthesizer

Bild: discopalace
Music at the Pier

Bild: Brian Auer
joozz in the clocktower 3 (second life)

This was a marathon performance for performers listed on the 61 to get bump-bombed and promoted so the public would get an idea of the music going on in SL.
I tried to tip everyone a decent amount, but in the end this violated my principle of giving 10,000L or more to any live musician in the tower. I have tried to make up for that with Tunes inSL.
Bild: isfullofcrap
andreus gustafson at keyboard (second life)

Bild: rafeejewell
And when he saw it, J. S. Bach said…..

This is a Lowrey Organ. Check out the large size because then you can see all the rhythm selection buttons more clearly.
Bild: L-T-L
The Keyboard Player
Mutant keyboard

Bild: brainflakes.org
Roland V-Synth – Ottawa 01 08

Bild: Mikey G Ottawa
Technologic music

Bild: Julien Lozelli
Organ keyboard

Bild: kretyen