Natur und Technik > Weltraum > Astronomie
Weitere Unterabschnitte: Astronomie | Raumfahrt | Raumfahrt 2 | Hubble | Raumstation | Apollo | Marserkundung | GPS (Global Positioning System)


Sterne (Klaus Stuttmann Karikaturen - 12.08.2012)
Bild: Verkleinertes Original mit freundlicher Genehmigung Klaus Stuttmann
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APEX radio telescope

The Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) is a radio telescope located at 5,100 meters above sea level, at the Llano de Chajnantor Observatory in the Atacama desert, in northern Chile, 50 kilometers to the east of San Pedro de Atacama. credit: ESO


The Museum for the History of Science, in Oxford. This is a 3D anaglyph - to view, wear glasses with red on the left eye, and cyan (green-blue) on the right eye.

Argonne National Laboratory – Flickr

Max Planck Gesellschaft – Kosmische Lupe enthüllt Sternentstehung im frühen Universum

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung Max-Planck-Gesellschaft


DID THE ORIGIN OF LIFE OCCUR 13 BILLION YEARS AGO: That's the question a new radio telescope project announced today by ASTRON and IBM are looking to answer. ASTRON, one of the world's leading astronomy research organizations - and IBM will be collaborating on the design, engineering and manufacturing of customized high performance, low power consumption microprocessors which will be used in thousands of antennas spread across the globe - similar to the ones shown here. The antennas will be used to capture radio signals from deep in space as part of an effort to build the world's largest radio telescope to look at and understand the very origins of the universe.

Max Planck Gesellschaft – MAGIC eröffnet neues Fenster zum Universum

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Solar and Heliospheric Observatory – SOHO

The Ultraviolet Sun

From the NASA website: EIT (Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope) images the solar atmosphere at several wavelengths, and therefore, shows solar material at different temperatures. In the images taken at 304 Angstroms the bright material is at 60,000 to 80,000 degrees Kelvin. In those taken at 171, at 1 million degrees. 195 Angstrom images correspond to about 1.5 million Kelvin. 284 Angstrom, to 2 million degrees. The hotter the temperature, the higher you look in the solar atmosphere.