Fort George G. Meade Public… – Flickr

Stephen Hawking with PC Team

Travis Bonifield (from left to right), Rob Weatherly, an Intel employee who provides IT support for Hawking, Sam Blackburn, graduate assistant for Hawking, and Stephen Hawking.

Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen looking into an X-ray screen

Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen looking into an X-ray screen placed in front of a man's body and seeing the ribs and the bones of the arm. Chromolithograph. Chromolithograph Published: [1896/1900]

aldenchadwick – Flickr

The Brain

With a series of lectures by neuro-scientist Manuela Macedonia the Ars Electronica Center devoted a few evenings to the topic of the brain.

Ars Electronica – Flickr

Ars Electronica – Flickr

Ars Electronica – Flickr

05.12.2004 Mediziner wollen gebrochene Knochen künftig per Computer reparieren. Ein 3D-Drucker soll auf Knopfdruck Ersatzteile auswerfen, die exakt passen und aus dem gleichen Material wie natürliche Knochen bestehen.

Brookhaven National Laboratory – Flickr

PET scan of an healthy brain compared to a brain at an early stage of Alzheimer’s disease.

The figure shows MRI, and typical [18F]FDG images from a healthy volunteer and a Alzheimer Disease (AD) patient. The color scale express the rate of glucose utilization (from minimum to maximum). In these PET (Positron Emission Tomography) images (column 2 and 3), the white and red colors represent the regions of the brain with the highest glucose utilization rates while the green and blue represent the hypometabolic brain areas. The arrows show the posterior temporo-parietal junction (lower row) and the posterior cingulate gyrus (top row).