Welt der Physik: Messgrößen der Radioaktivität


There is a story that if you fold a thousand paper cranes, you get a wish. Looking at the devastation in Japan....I find myself holding my breath, not being able to take it all in. My colleagues and I had been folding cranes for a memorial, and had reached our goal of 1,000+ Perhaps you'll make a donation to an aid organization of your choice and take this photograph as a reminder of your wish for the Japanese people as they recover.

Grundlage der 14C-Methode – Welt der Physik

14C entsteht aus Stickstoff unter Einwirkung von kosmischer Strahlung und gelangt in Form von 14CO2 in den Kohlenstoffkreislauf. Versinken Knochen oder Pflanzenreste jedoch tief in der Erde, wird das darin enthaltene 14C dem Kreislauf entzogen, von da an nimmt die Zahl der Atome durch den radioaktiven Zerfall stetig ab.

Wikipedia – Die freie Enzyklopädie

public domain


Caesium-137-Kontamination in Weißrussland, Russland und der Ukraine zehn Jahre nach der Katastrophe von Tschernobyl
Bild: Sting

Long Pants for the A-Man

A blurb from the back of a Science Digest from 1954. It refers to "men who joust with dangerous gases and radioactive particles in atomic research at Mound Laboratory, which Monsanto Chemical Co. operates as Miamisburg, Ohio for the Atomic Energy Commission." Although it was classified at the time, Mound Laboratory primarily made plutonium detonators for nuclear weapons. By 1993, the Department of Energy closed it down, affecting over 2,000 peoples' jobs. Afterwards, the primary activity at the disused plant was nuclear cleanup.
Bild: mattymatt