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Lesen und Schreiben
School Sports Meeting Huaihua
Bild: citizenoftheworld
school for migrant children
Learning to write
A young boy is practicing his writing during Chinese class at a school funded by the Red Cross.
Ningxia, China, October 2005
Bild: kvitlauk
Chalkboard Chemistry
Bild: skylarprimm
Multi-character pinyin input on Mac OS X
Bild: Kake Pugh
Typing on the Google Pinyin soft keyboard
Bild: sinosplice
How to write Chinese Characters & Pinyin
This is how we learn chinese at home. We write them all on the floor with a feft tip pen. Works very well.
Bild: studying Chinese
OMG so that’s why people use pinyin to input Chinese characters—awesome phrase suggestions
Bild: See-ming Lee 李思明 SML
eggrollstan – Flickr
Bild: eggrollstan
vista pinyin IME
Bild: WuHongSheng
How to write Chinese Characters & Pinyin (2)
Bild: IvanWalsh.com
Printable 4R Chinese Pinyin Flash Cards
Bild: hktvfoto
04.05.2014 – Damit der Lernstoff optimal erinnert wird, sollte er lieber analog als digital notiert werden, haben US-Forscher herausgefunden.