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Deepwater Horizon Drill Rig

The Deepwater Horizon is a semisubmersible drilling rig, or "Mobile Drilling Unit" (MODU). Built and operated by Transocean Ltd., the world's largest offshore drilling company, with a global fleet of >140 rigs, including 14 operating in the US Gulf of Mexico.

Deepwater Horizon Blowout, Gulf of Mexico - Location

Map showing the site where the Deepwater Horizon rig was drilling a new oil well on April 21, 2010, when the blowoput and explosion occurred.

Deepwater Horizon Fire - April 21, 2010

Photo courtesy of the US Coast Guard. Source:

Deepwater Horizon Fire (2) - April 22, 2010

Photo courtesy of the US Coast Guard. Source:
Bild: SkyTruth

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