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Herman Hollerith (1860 – 1929) war ein US-amerikanischer Unternehmer und Ingenieur. Er ist Erfinder des nach ihm benannten Hollerith-Lochkartenverfahrens in der Datenverarbeitung.

Hollerith punch-card sorter

An optional add-on to the tabulator, this sorter has 26 bins that automatically open and close depending on the values on the punched card being read. Simply read the card with the tabulator, then file the card in the slot that opens.
Bild: Erik Pitti

Marcin Wichary – Flickr

Laughing Squid – Flickr

Historie der Rechenmaschinen, Teil 2

Bild: Mit freundlicher Genehmigung Prof. Dr. R. Anderl (2009)
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chakote – Flickr

Bild: chakote

Herman Hollerith’s Census Device

One of the most important early computers was created by Herman Hollerith, who devised a way using punch cards with a system that created electrical circuits with pin presses and mercury. Essentially, his devices made census taking go incredibly faster, and is still considered revolutionary. The company that sold his machines would eventually go on to change its name to IBM.
Bild: Pargon