28 November 2013 – The US government is challenging researchers to use cameras to ID people by unique features like their gait or the shape of their ears.
The US government’s Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) has called for a new approach. The agency announced a contest on 8 November, challenging teams of the country’s top researchers to revolutionise how machines recognise people. Those entering the competition already know that conventional facial recognition won’t cut it.


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Gesichtserkennung – Wikipedia

Gesichtserkennung bezeichnet die Analyse der Ausprägung sichtbarer Merkmale im Bereich des frontalen Kopfes, gegeben durch geometrische Anordnung und Textureigenschaften der Oberfläche.

08.12.2011 Der Internet-Riese Google startet mit "Find my Face" eine automatische Bilderkennung für sein soziales Netzwerk Google+. Offenbar hat der Konzern aus den Fehlern von Facebook gelernt. Um Datenschützer nicht zu vergrätzen, soll ohne Zustimmung der Nutzer nichts laufen.

Fingerprint Reader

Anthony Rozario, Springbrook High School Academy of Information Technology in Silver Spring, Maryland checks his fingerprint during the enrollment process for a Smart Card identification card at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Rozario and other students attended the USDA Information Technology Job Shadow Day on Wednesday, April 13, 2011, an annual opportunity for students from local high schools to learn the breadth and depth of information technology at USDA and how it is applied the department. Students toured the Network Operations Center, the Badging Office and had a lecture on geospatial technology. USDA Photo by Bob Nichols.
Bild: USDAgov