
There is a story that if you fold a thousand paper cranes, you get a wish. Looking at the devastation in Japan....I find myself holding my breath, not being able to take it all in. My colleagues and I had been folding cranes for a memorial, and had reached our goal of 1,000+ Perhaps you'll make a donation to an aid organization of your choice and take this photograph as a reminder of your wish for the Japanese people as they recover.

DigitalGlobe-Imagery – Flickr

The quake-damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant in the Japanese town of Futaba

An aerial view shows the quake-damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant in the Japanese town of Futaba, Fukushima prefecture on March 12, 2011. Japan scrambled to prevent nuclear accidents at two atomic plants where reactor cooling systems failed after a massive earthquake, as it evacuated tens of thousands of residents. Tokyo Electric Power, which runs the plants, said it had released some radioactive vapour into the atmosphere at one plant to relieve building reactor pressure, but said the move posed no health risks. AFP PHOTO / JIJI PRESS (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images)


Plakat an der "Fabrik" in Hamburg Altona: Die letzte Eiszeit war vor 10.000 Jahren. Die Halbwertszeit von Plutonium ist 24.000 Jahre.