MarkGregory007 – Flickr

Marshall Astor – Food Fetishist – Flickr

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08.07.2010 It can be argued that no consumer electronics company has captured the public’s fascination the way Apple has. Over the years it has morphed into more than just a company or corporation, but for many it has become a representation of a lifestyle or culture, and a status symbol complete with a larger fan base than most pop stars.

Apple Fat Mac

The original brown toaster. 512 KB (not MB) of RAM, 512x384 1-bit (black or white) graphics, no hard disk, and a steal at just $2200 or so. The last Mac I owned until 2003.

Apple III Plus

I'm not sure where I got this one from, but this, along with the Lisa, is one of my favorite computers in my collection. It was quite advanced at time time with a powerful - but poorly named - OS, (Sophisticated Operating System, or SOS), but it wasn't horribly successful in the marketplace - although I gather that "failure" is too strong a word. It seems to have been somewhat forgotten, but I like the case design and, as mentioned, the operating system.

Easterbilby – Flickr

World changing events involving an apple

From Adam in Paradise, to Newton under the Apple tree, that made a total new scientific world view, when " the apple fell" to Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, maybe the one that have had the most influence on how we use and design digital experiences – Flickr

Marksteine auf Apples Weg zum Erfolg

  • 1977: Der Apple II war der erste Personal Computer (PC), der weltweit millionenfach verkauft… und auch nachgebaut wurde.
  • 1984: Der Apple Macintosh (Mac) war der erste erfolgreiche PC mit grafischer Benutzeroberfläche und Computermaus.
  • 1993: Das Apple Newton MessagePad mit berührungsempfindlichem Bildschirm (Touchscreen) und Handschrifterkennung
  • 1998: Die ersten iMacs mit "All-in-one"-Gehäuse
  • 2001: Die iPod-Reihe der tragbaren Media Player mit Speicher satt durch die integrierte Festplatte
  • 2007: Das iPhone ist Apples Smartphone mit Media Player und berührungsempfindlichem Bildschirm (Touchscreen) für Multitouchbedienung.
  • 2010: Das iPad ist ein Tablet-Computer, der ohne Tastatur oder Maus durch Multi-Touch-Gesten gesteuert werden kann.

Apple Power Macintosh G3 450Mhz (Blue & White)

Resetting G3 PMU ? Check out Mac Users Guide for more how-to information. Based on the Yosemite architecture featuring a 450 MHz PowerPC 750 G3 processor the Apple Power Macintosh G3 (Blue & White) has 1 MB of backside cache, arrives with 128 MB of RAM, a 32X CD-ROM drive and an ATI Rage 128 GL graphics card. This was the first design that utilized the “fold down door” enclosure that revolutionized the way we interact with our Mac desktops. It is extremely easy to upgrade and introduced Firewire and included both USB and ADB port connectors.