Medienlinks zum Wochenstart: Schluss mit “Social Media Editor” — CARTA

Medienlinks zum Wochenstart: Schluss mit “Social Media Editor” — CARTA Jack Goldsmith, Jura-Professor und ehemals hochrangiger Beamter im US-Justizministerium unter Bush mag zwar Wikileaks nicht besonders, nimmt die Plattform aber in Schutz: “I do not understand why so much ire is directed at Assange and so little at the New York Times. What if there […]

Medienlinks zum Wochenstart: Schluss mit “Social Media Editor” — CARTA

Jack Goldsmith, Jura-Professor und ehemals hochrangiger Beamter im US-Justizministerium unter Bush mag zwar Wikileaks nicht besonders, nimmt die Plattform aber in Schutz: “I do not understand why so much ire is directed at Assange and so little at the New York Times. What if there were no wikileaks and Manning had simply given the Lady Gaga CD to the Times? Presumably the Times would eventually have published most of the same information, with a few redactions, for all the world to see. Would our reaction to that have been more subdued than our reaction now to Assange? If so, why? If not, why is our reaction so subdued when the Times receives and publishes the information from Bradley through Assange the intermediary?” Interessant ist, dass Goldsmith es als Tatsache hinstellt, dass Finanz- und Internetdienstleister von der US-Regierung unter Druck gesetzt wurden: “The current strategy of pressuring intermediaries (paypal, mastercard, amazon, various domain name services, etc.) to stop doing business with wikileaks will have a marginal effect on its ability to raise money and store information.”

Quelle: Medienlinks zum Wochenstart: Schluss mit “Social Media Editor” — CARTA

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