Ars Electronica – Flickr


Image showing a Brain-Computer-Interface by Austrian Company gtec. Credit: Adi Hoesle

Brain Painting by Alexander Jöchl

Photo showing the Austrian artist Alexander Jöchl in the process of brain painting. Credit: Erika Jungreithmayr

Brain Painting

Image showing a Brain Painting - a picture that was created without the use of the hands, keyboard or computer mouse. The painting was created through a conscious usage of electrical activity along the scalp. This activity is a brought to the screen via a Brain-Computer-Interface and a special software. Credit: Adi Hoesle

Brain Battle at Techkriti 2012

Photo showing the interactive Brain-Interface "Brain Battle". Brain Battle allows two players to compete in games classics like Pong, Space Invaders or Pacman - just with the help of their thoughts. credit: AE Solutions

Brain Battle (2) at Techkriti 2012

Photo showing the interactive Brain-Interface "Brain Battle". Brain Battle allows two players to compete in games classics like Pong, Space Invaders or Pacman - just with the help of their thoughts. credit: AE Solutions
Bild: Ars Electronica
Adi Hoesle

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