Occupy Chicago. October.2011

October 8th, 2011 Occupy Chicago and 10th Anniversary of the U.S. occuptation in Afghanistan protesters join together for a common cause against monopolies. occupychi.org/ --- join them 24/7

Sterneck – Flickr

Bild: Sterneck

Occupy Cincinnati

Occupy Cincinnati protest event. Saturday, Oct. 8, 2011 Cincinnati, OH All photos credit: Big 3 News
Bild: Big 3 News

Occupy Chicago

Occupy Chicago General Assembly (GA) Occupy Chicago is a peaceful protest and demonstration against economic inequality, corporate greed and the influence of corporations and lobbyists on government which has been taking place in Chicago since 24 September 2011. The protests began in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York. Occupy Chicago Official Website occupychi.org/


Wall Street is occupied. Read more about the Occupy Wall Street protest in New York City.