Elektroden …

The tummy has had better days. I spent to past week covered in tape and electrodes that were connected to a holter monitor.

HealthCard… creditcard-sized

smart chip, "break the glass" access audit trail, data resides online as well (no biggie if card lost), could be a sticker for the changing data on the back...

Patrick J. Lynch – Flickr

Medical Amulets: SMA103 (Phoenix with Seven Rays)

Phoenix with seven rays round head, standing on egg which rests on an altar made of a single column supporting a broad top. Above, scarab; at each side, descending, a bird, a scorpion, a cobra; crocodile under altar. Two curves like a reversed S between the scorpions and the phoenix may be meant for small snakes or worms. (page 270) XXXXXXX, with Chnoubis symbol below. Haematite. Upright oblong with rounded corners, 32 x 16 x 3 mm. From Syria. (page 270)

thinkpanama – Flickr

First Class Health Care in Panama

Panama is not just pretty - it's modern. Top-notch health care is available at much lower rates than most other countries. Highly trained doctors with superb patient care.

Ilya Eric Lee – Flickr

Daneel Ariantho – Flickr

kartografia – Flickr


Virus... (Klaus Stuttmann Karikaturen - 07.03.2006)
Bild: Verkleinertes Original mit freundlicher Genehmigung Klaus Stuttmann
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