Defence Images – Flickr

Defence Images – Flickr

Mushroom Cloud from Air Support Bombing

Plumes of smoke rise into the evening Afghan sky as Allied air support brings an end to Operation Glacier 4. Operation Glacier 4 was a deliberate action against Taliban Forces in the district of Garmsir by Royal Marines of 42 Commando in Helmand province, Afghanistan.

Trojan Tank Crane Operator in Afghanistan

A Sapper from the Royal Engineers is pictured operating the crane of a Trojan Tank or AVRE (Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers) on Operation Hamkari in Afghanistan. The bulk of British military operations in Afghanistan are concentrated in central Helmand. But Royal Engineers have spent the past two months lending their awesome capabilities to Afghan and US forces clearing a key area of Kandahar province.

lafrancevi – Flickr

Bild: lafrancevi

Luftangriff bei Kunduz – Wikipedia

Flashmob die-in protest – Flinders Street Station Melbourne

Ninth anniversary of Afghanistan War remembered in Melbourne with a Flashmob protest. Nine years of Australian defence forces in Afghanistan was remembered by three flashmob die-ins: on the steps of Flinders street station, outside the old GPO, and at the State Library steps today. The last die-in was followed by speakers including Greens member for Melbourne Adam Bandt, and Richard Tanter, Professorial Fellow in International Relations in the Research and Innovation Portfolio, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and Senior Research Associate, Nautilus Institute. Watch a related Youtube video: Ninth anniversary of Afghanistan War remembered in Melbourne with a Flashmob protest
Bild: Takver