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ban cluster bombs!

Laos is the most bombed country in *the history of the earth.* Sadly, these cluster bombs are still killing and maiming farmers trying to make a living. I hope the world can ban inhumane weapons such as these.

4/2011 Was kann und wird passieren, wenn Computer zum Instrument der Kriegsführung werden? Welchen Einfluss haben Militärs auf die
Informatik genommen? Was ist aus Informatik-Sicht von der Idee zu halten, Computer könnten einen Krieg besser führbar machen?
Angenommen, man hielte das Führen von Kriegen für eine gute Idee: kann es jemals Computer geben, die dafür jemals zuverlässig
und sicher genug sind?

Bundeswehr-Fotos – Flickr

Defence Images – Flickr

South Carolina Guardsman demonstrates a FIM-92 Stinger missile in the nation’s capital

Pfc. Trevor Gaston, a Soldier with the 2nd Battalion, 263rd Air Defense Artillery, demonstrates an FIM-92 Stinger Man-Portable Air-Defense System at Bolling Air Force Base April 14, 2010. Air Defense units from South Carolina and Ohio have been on rotating deployments to the National Capitol Region to support homeland defense as part of Operation Noble Eagle. This continued operation began in 2001, just days after--and in response to--the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. – Home

public domain

MATEUS_27:24&25 – Flickr

Flickr – Photo Sharing
