Gesundheitswesen > Therapie
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Ilya Eric Lee – Flickr

Siemens AG – Pressebilder


Our son was born with a coarctation of his aorta, which required surgery when he was 13 days old. It was a sudden thing for us. Jen was taking him to his first doctor's well-visit, and less than 24 hours later he was in the operating room, having the narrow part of his aorta snipped out, and the loose ends reconnected. Now he's two-and-a-half years old and aside from the one-inch scar on his back, there's no way anyone would know that there was ever anything wrong with him. This photo was taken the night before his surgery, hooked up to the respirator, various monitors, and other assorted machines.
Bild: Randy Cox

thinkpanama – Flickr