Energieversorgung > Atomenergie
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Long Pants for the A-Man

A blurb from the back of a Science Digest from 1954. It refers to "men who joust with dangerous gases and radioactive particles in atomic research at Mound Laboratory, which Monsanto Chemical Co. operates as Miamisburg, Ohio for the Atomic Energy Commission." Although it was classified at the time, Mound Laboratory primarily made plutonium detonators for nuclear weapons. By 1993, the Department of Energy closed it down, affecting over 2,000 peoples' jobs. Afterwards, the primary activity at the disused plant was nuclear cleanup.
Bild: mattymatt

Nuclear Waste

At my local nuclear research plant they are very environmentally conscientious. They sort their waste like any self respecting household these days: There is the solid nuclear waste that goes into the right bin – then there is the kind you must not burn, which goes into the left bin. Impressive.
Bild: svale

Vattenfall – Flickr

Underground Iranian Nuclear Plant

Nantaz.......Thirty feet below ground level [area in red] is one of Irans nuclear enrichment plants. It is protected by several layers of concrete and earth overfill. This entire facility is one mile square.
Bild: Doug20022