U.S. Air Force RQ-4 Global Hawk

A U.S. Air Force RQ-4 Global Hawk aircraft takes off Oct. 7, 2010, from Andersen Air Force Base, Guam. This was the Global Hawk's first take-off since its arrival Sept. 20, 2010, and it's the only permanently-stationed aircraft on Andersen. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Nichelle Anderson)

Global Hawk aerial view of Haiti devastation

An aerial view of the damaged National Cathedral in Haiti from a U.S. Air Force Global Hawk unmanned aircraft Jan. 14. Aerial images areproviding U.S. military planners valuable situation awareness as they coordinate U.S. military support to the Haiti relief effort. (Releaseby U.S. Southern Command)

Altus-II UAV

The Altus-II UAV, shown here with gear down, is a high altitude variant of the Predator UAV. It is powered by a 4-cylinder, 4-cycle,liquid/air cooled Rotax engine. Equipped with a single stage of turbo-charging, the Altus-II is capable of 45,000 feet maximum altitude. When a second stage turbo charger is installed, Altus-II should reach 65,000 feet.

Class I UAV Block 0

Soldiers from the Army’s Evaluation Task Force (AETF) have been training and testing equipment and capabilities that will be included in the Early Infantry Brigade Combat Team (EIBCT) Capability Package. The Class I UAV Block 0 is included in this capability set. A Soldier readies the Class I UAV Block 0 for flight during the recent CCD experiment.

First UK Flight of Watchkeeper UAV

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Watchkeeper makes it's first flight in the UK.The new UAV flew for the first time in the UK on 14 April, taking off from dedicated facilities at Parc Aberporth in West Wales for a 20-minute flight. Watchkeeper provides enhanced UAV capability that will enable commanders to detect and track targets for long periods, without the need to deploy troops into potentially sensitive or dangerous areas.The system is capable of rapid deployment and operations anywhere in the world and will support the information requirements of all three services. Photographer:Peter Russell LBIPP From: www.defenceimages.mod.uk

Defence Images – Flickr

Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com – Flickr

09.03.2010 Drohnen-Piloten sitzen in klimatisierten Räumen weit weg von den Anti-Terror-Kriegen in Afghanistan und Irak. Sie steuern ihr Waffensystem per Joystick und Monitor. Die Fernkrieger arbeiten mit großer Präzision – und zu einem Bruchteil der Kosten, die ein Kampfjet verursacht.

25.04.12 Unbemannte Flugzeuge erobern das Schlachtfeld und verändern radikal das Kriegshandwerk. Welche Fähigkeiten werden die intelligenten Kampfmaschinen haben, und was bedeuten sie für die internationale Politik?