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Menwith Hill Radomes

It's a shame I didn't have more time to stop to shoot from a better angle and sort out the exposure values for this image, but it was in my interest not to annoy the patrolling police any further after the friendly little 'stop n search' interview we had earlier. The moorland surveillance base (near Harrogate, Yorkshire) is guarded by UK Ministry of Defence Police who are paid for and under the operational control of the Americans and is enclosed by an alarmed security fence topped with razor wire and with CCTV cameras mounted at regular intervals along it. If you'd like a peek under the golf ball shaped hood, have a look at my photos of the Very Large Array in Sorocco, New Mexico which feature similar equipment in a less disguised state.

GCHQ Building at Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

An aerial image of the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. GCHQ is one of the three UK Intelligence Agencies and forms a crucial part of the UK’s National Intelligence and Security machinery. The National Security Strategy sets out the challenges of a changing and uncertain world and places cyber attack in the top tier of risks, alongside international terrorism, a major industrial accident or natural disaster, and international military crisis.

CyberHades – Flickr

Bild: CyberHades

Das Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) ist eine britische Regierungsbehörde (Nachrichtendienst und Sicherheitsdienst), die sich mit Kryptographie, Verfahren zur Datenübertragung und mit der Fernmeldeaufklärung befasst.