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IMTEK – Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Mess- und Prüfverfahren

Bild: Mit freundlicher Genehmigung Prof. Dr. L. Reindl (2009)
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Models of carbon nanotube structure. . How Carbon 14 Is Made. Web. 21 Jan. 2011.

A Tailorable Nanotube

There’s a new building block in the nanoscience tool box. Scientists at Berkeley Lab’s Molecular Foundry used a recently discovered, donut-shaped protein to build customizable nanotubes that can be lengthened, shortened, or sealed at both ends to form capsules. Although still in the early investigational stage, these tailorable nanotubes could someday be used in a number of applications in which the ability to manipulate a nanotube’s length and chemical properties is critical. credit: Lawrence Berkeley Nat'l Lab - Roy Kaltschmidt, photographer

Nanotube, buckyball model, Center for Functional Nanomaterials

The Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) at Brookhaven National Laboratory provides state-of-the-art capabilities for the fabrication and study of nanoscale materials, with an emphasis on atomic-level tailoring to achieve desired properties and functions. The CFN is a science-based user facility, simultaneously developing strong scientific programs while offering broad access to its capabilities and collaboration through an active user program. The overarching scientific theme of the CFN is the development and understanding of nanoscale materials that address the Nation's challenges in energy security, consistent with the Department of Energy mission.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – Flickr