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Siemens AG – Hightech-Medizin jetzt auch für Haustiere

Foto: Siemens AG

Das neue Magnetresonanzzentrum am Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Kybernetik hat am 12. Juli 2007 seinen Betrieb aufgenommen


An MRI shot of my brain before my posterior fossa decompression (brain surgery) for Arnold Chiari Malformation. See the white blob towards the bottom right? That's not supposed to be there - it's my cerebellum sinking down into my spinal column. That's what Chiari does. The brain drops down & blocks the flow of CSF (spinal fluid.) Bad news & I was sick for almost three years before getting diagnosed in the fall of 2005. Posterior fossa decompression is where they remove part of the back of your skull & create a patch that holds your cerebellum up.

B1SHOP – Flickr

Bild: B1SHOP

Neurochirurgie Zwolle: Magnetresonanz