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• Statista – das Statistik-Portal: Statistiken, Marktdaten & Studien

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October 27, 2013 – Much of the speculation about the future of news focuses on the business model: How will we generate the revenues to pay the people who gather and disseminate the news? But the disruptive power of the Internet raises other profound questions about what journalism is becoming, about its essential character and values. This week’s column is a conversation — a (mostly) civil argument — between two very different views of how journalism fulfills its mission.
Glenn Greenwald broke what is probably the year’s biggest news story, Edward Snowden’s revelations of the vast surveillance apparatus constructed by the National Security Agency. He has also been an outspoken critic of the kind of journalism practiced at places like The New York Times, and an advocate of a more activist, more partisan kind of journalism. Earlier this month he announced he was joining a new journalistic venture, backed by eBay billionaire Pierre Omidyar, who has promised to invest $250 million and to “throw out all the old rules.” I invited Greenwald to join me in an online exchange about what, exactly, that means.

Bücher sind total out!

Bücher sind total out! (Klaus Stuttmann Karikaturen - 09.10.2012)
Bild: Verkleinertes Original mit freundlicher Genehmigung Klaus Stuttmann
Die unberechtigte Nutzung ist nicht gestattet.

• Statista – das Statistik-Portal: Statistiken, Marktdaten & Studien

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• Statista – das Statistik-Portal: Statistiken, Marktdaten & Studien

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Melvin Kranzberg’s six laws of technology state:
1. Technology is neither good nor bad; nor is it neutral.
2. Invention is the mother of necessity.
3. Technology comes in packages, big and small.
4. Although technology might be a prime element in many public issues, nontechnical factors take precedence in technology-policy decisions.
5. All history is relevant, but the history of technology is the most relevant.
6. Technology is a very human activity – and so is the history of technology.

Von Maden und Einschaltquoten – Z-Prominenz im Dschungelcamp

Mal unter uns: Sie müs­sen sich nicht schä­men, nach der Über­schrift wei­ter­zu­le­sen. Das ist okay. Wirk­lich. Ganz unab­hän­gig davon, dass unser Kunde einer der dies­jäh­ri­gen Haupt­spon­so­ren ist. Das Dschun­gel­camp – eigent­lich könnte es auch eine Wie­der­ein­glie­de­rungs­maß­nahme der Agen­tur für Arbeit sein. Denn nichts ande­res ist das Dschun­gel­camp. Mehr unter:

• Statista – das Statistik-Portal: Statistiken, Marktdaten & Studien

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