Energieversorgung > Atompolitik
Weitere Unterabschnitte: Elektrizität | Energiequellen | Wasserkraft | Windenergie | Sonnenenergie | Fossile Energie | Ölpest | Atomenergie | Atompolitik | Fukushima u. Tschernobyl | Stilllegung


Ganked from www.newscientist.com/blogs/shortsharpscience/2011/04/gree... to post on Grinding. Description: (Image: Pedro Armestre / Greenpeace) One month after the Fukushima crisis began, Greenpeace Spain illuminated the country's six nuclear reactors with haunting images demanding an end to nuclear power. Protestors projected a face reminiscent of The Scream by Edvard Munch on vapour rising from a cooling tower at the Cofrentes nuclear plant near Valencia. A message below the ghostly grimace read: "No more Fukushima."
Bild: M1K3Y


There is a story that if you fold a thousand paper cranes, you get a wish. Looking at the devastation in Japan....I find myself holding my breath, not being able to take it all in. My colleagues and I had been folding cranes for a memorial, and had reached our goal of 1,000+ Perhaps you'll make a donation to an aid organization of your choice and take this photograph as a reminder of your wish for the Japanese people as they recover.

Banners and peace cranes – Melbourne Vigil for Japan

Melbourne Vigil forthe people of Japan suffering the effects of the Magnitude 9.0 Earthquake, Tsunamis, and an escalating nuclear crisis. The vigil was held at the old GPO in Bourke Street Mall on March 17, 2011. The candlelight vigil was to honour the victims of this terrible tragedy, and to show concern for the safety of those exposed to radioactivity from the Fukushima nuclear power plant. The vigil was organised by the Medical Association for the prevention of war, the International Campaign to Abolish nuclear Weapons, and Japanese for Peace.
Bild: Takver

Atomkraft ? – Nein Danke

Hamburger Greenpeacer sagen anlässlich des bevorstehenden Jahrestags der Tschernobyl-Reaktorkatastrophe „Atomkraft ? – Nein Danke“ und werben für die Teilnahme an der „Menschenkette AKW Brunsbüttel – Hamburg – AKW Krümmel“ am 24. April 2010.
Bild: GuenterHH

ATOMKRAFT abschalten!

Am 24. Apr. 2010 beteiligten sich mehr als 120.000 Atomkraftgegner an der 120 km langen Menschenkette vom Akw Brunsbüttel über Hamburg bis zum Akw Krümmel